Starbucks coffee service specialty shop - Wudaokou Universe Center Magic Garden
童话照进现实,鲜花与浪漫接踵而至;在奇幻花园里,开启一段奇幻的爱丽丝梦北京海淀区的五道口,曾经被戏称为“宇宙中心”,这里顶流高校林立,知名企业扎堆。项目位于五道口的核心建筑之一东升大厦,这是20年来大堂外挑采光厅的第一次升级。改造后的大堂主要提供星巴克咖啡服务,奇幻的各式植物和花卉,绽放在北方最为稀缺的四季花园里,最为引人驻足流连。威尔士诗人迪伦·托马斯曾用一句诗描述花园带给人的幸福与安宁。“由绿的生命引信引爆的力量,震动着花朵。”被绿植物填满的阳光房,即使在寒冷的冬日,仍能感受春日般绿意盎然。童话故事里总是会让人惊喜的水景和动物们,都是藉由现有的条件升级而成。爱丽丝的白兔先生换了装,兔子+乌龟的组合是永恒的童话主题...正在缓慢上爬的蜗牛也加入了兔子和乌龟的组合,一起放慢了时光的脚步。巨型的植物在空中化身为艺术装置,向阳花在半人高的视线上昂首挺立,似乎在歌唱。地被层则是由各式各色的薰衣草覆盖装点。花艺师眼中的花朵与诗意,包含着东方式的美学思索。每一组花都经过花艺师们精心挑选和搭配,将自然元素与现代设计理念相结合,展现出最佳效果,显得更加奇幻而自然。阳光厅通过一个专属的通道直接与外部相连,这是一段通往奇幻花园的探险之旅。覆上彩色渐变膜的阳光板墙,在玻璃砖地面与灯光的衬托下,让探险之旅更加神秘而华丽。这是一次最大限度基于现状的更新升级,力求能以一种艺术、趣味、格调合而为一的方式,提升大堂乃至整栋商务楼宇的品质,也希望能够成为宇宙中心的又一处奇境幻梦。项目名称:东升大厦大堂吧升级改造项目地址:北京市五道口设计机构:QUCESS清石设计实施机构:QUCESS清石设计项目主持:李怡明主案设计师:王学丽、胡坤、杨一诺设计团队:平凡、李亮、徐照斌、张志浩、丁亚男、王巍、刘奇、高赞实施负责:王磊实施团队:高赞、李慧、李莎莎、王欢、罗云、李雅高、朱凤响花艺负责:朱文杰设计时间:2022年项目面积:430㎡项目摄影:UOHO 建筑空间摄影陈军
Dongsheng Science Park Party and Mass Activity Center
阿里云助力打造「多功能」党建展厅党的十九大召开以来,全国各地都展开党群展厅建设。清石设计为东升科技园设计的全新党群活动服务中心希望在功能上进行多样化的扩展,不仅仅满足党群展厅的基本要求:园区党建文化、党建成果进度、党建荣誉的展示平台,更加能够成为举办园区各种活动的活动中心。真正从功能上将文化展示与园区活动进行深度融合,创造更好的传递党政精神的场所。01 | 一颗种子的生长党群活动服务中心的整体设计灵感来源于毛主席对共产党人的一段表述:“我们共产党人好比种子,人民好比土地。我们到了一个地方,就要同那里的人民结合起来,在人民中间生根、开花。”我们提取“种子”这个关键词,如果党政精神是一粒种子,在当代城市环境下,设计师的职责就是为这粒种子创造生根发芽蓬勃生长的「空间」。02 | 一个空间,多种场景以“种子”概念为出发点,整个展厅布局以中心的活动模块为核心,四周围绕的环形展示空间形成了的顺时针观展流线。位于展厅中心的活动功能区设计为灵活的半包围结构空间,四片灵活移动的隔断墙可以根据不同的使用需求调整空间的形态和大小,配合可移动桌椅的设计可以衍生出三种不同场景的使用模式,分别是:容纳20—30人的党课模式、容纳40—50人的发布会报告厅模式、容纳80—100人的会议活动模式。03 | 党建展厅的新风格不同于传统党建展厅,空间整体风格现代简约,契合东升科技园的科技感,空间整体背景色选用白色,传统的党建展厅的红色为配色。围绕展厅外环的不规则弧线形红色地铺,作为室内设计与展厅导视系统结合的一种方式起到了引导参观流线的作用,同时整体红色地铺组与白色地面拓扑形成了一个类似四叶草的形状,预示着党政精神是一粒种子在展厅中生根发芽,蓬勃生长。04 | 阿里云科技助力,推动沉浸式体验展厅的外环展陈部分一共设置了四个板块,分别为序厅、东升模式、智慧党建、企业风采。大量科技多媒体展陈方式的植入,使参观过程拥有更好的互动体验,也让党建精神和党建成果能够更加直观可视化呈现。序厅映入眼帘的是党旗造型的巨大形象墙,“以奋斗者为本,为创业者服务”红色立体字的slogan凸显东升精神。东升模式版块展墙和发光天花一体化设计配合地铺,让整体空间仿佛一条能够跨越时间的隧道,一路走来,配合滑轨电视的多媒体展陈方式,东升辉煌的发展历程得以完整的呈现。时光隧道的结尾是以互动投影方式呈现的东升模式。智慧党建版块仅有一块巨大的展示屏的智慧党建版块简约而不简单,阿里云智慧大数据助力让整个东升园区的党建工作可视化展示成为可能,党建成效更加可听、可触、可感。企业风采展示版块设置了多媒体展示、展板展示以及活动展台等多样化的展示手段,全面展示企业的经营成果。
Dongsheng Technology Park C-2 Staff Restaurant
项目概况:东升科技园C-2员工餐厅位于科技园区内部,面积约为2500平方米。随着城市发展、消费升级,无论是线上还是线下都迎来了体验升级的转折点。餐厅原有环境中灯光整体偏暗,家具陈旧,功能动线划分不明。陈旧的餐厅设施和形象满足不了内部使用、对外交流和宣传的需求,不适应新时代群体的高效、秩序、活力的年轻诉求。 业主诉求:1. 全面提升整体氛围,打造年轻客户群体喜爱的有品质的餐饮空间2. 餐厅服务于整个科技园区入驻企业,因此需要在不影响客户就餐的基础上对餐厅进行改造 灵感来源:即使是天马行空的创意,也应是有迹可循。设计师将原有空间中的圆形元素定义为设计中最坚韧的根基,连接活力的色彩,串联成流淌在整个空间里的就餐情绪。一种法式甜点—炫彩马卡龙便成为形式上的借喻,彩色小圆饼,不仅仅是一种美食更承载着一种文化,一种生活方式。将趣味性、奇思异想的元素与挑战传统的形式及配色结合在一起,希望餐厅在满足就餐场景外还是大家聚会、下午茶的好去处。 改造策略:快,20天完成2500平方米改造。采用分区施工+全预制方法缩短工期,餐厅完全正常营业的情况下完成改造。好,设计师对餐厅功能、导视、环境、形象进行整体升级改造,并应用一种新的设计语言来塑造整个内部空间。全方位提升空间品质,丰富空间使用场景,以优质的空间为业主带来更多的商业价值。省,以为业主节约成本为目标,强大供应商库支撑将优价材料创新用法,保证品质的同时为业主节约成本。快 20天,2500平方米硬装改造中,餐厅原始干净利落的轮廓和格局保持不变,并且为了避免硬装的破坏对就餐环境产生影响,选择场外加工,现场安装的方式。快速改造公共空间,打造出和谐的建筑空间,平衡就餐环境的空间感受。这次餐厅改造的最大特殊之处是在不影响其营业的基础上整体进行翻新改造,从设计到施工到竣工,装配式、环保、快速等词如影随形,设计师认为空间快速升级改造能在最短时间后令场景传达出一种惬意的生活状态,让就餐人员于有形空间里感受无形美好。好 为业主节约项目成本整个空间的升级改造避免大拆大改,尽量利旧。场景中引入绿植打造可循环的绿色就餐环境。挑空就餐区新增气球灯具,空间材质考虑到时尚和施工方便采用防水磨石地胶和阳光板及一些金属构建,其他改造多采用色彩运用替换多余的造型,从成本源头替业主做到省。省 用优质空间为业主创造商业价值为了强调就餐好秩序,设计师进行了标识导视系统改造:1. 突破常规思维在顶面上贯穿灯光导引线,核心节点位置设置球灯区域标识。2. 档口位置趣味性导视设计起路线指引作用,引导顾客自觉排队。软装改造中,对现有的桌椅、沙发、墙面进行可持续化的翻新处理。空间整体借喻马卡龙,在色彩上运用低饱和度的粉色和蓝色,软装色彩以其纯粹的特征传达出“温暖舒适,积极向上,时尚艺术,活力阳光”的氛围。整个空间多处引入金属网,金属架,金属线条重新定义建筑格局与就餐人员的关系,让老旧建筑变得适合今天的生活,配合着亚克力造型植物和霓虹灯弱化由刚性的几何平面带来的疏离感,让人体验到充满亲切感的空间感受。 设计师试图用设计把开放、积极的生活态度传递给空间中的所有人,希望到这里用餐的人能体会到一种惬意的生活状态。餐厅,不仅仅是一个有形的物理空间,更是一份返璞归真,不急不躁的心灵礼物。希望在这里,你完成的是一次用餐亦是一场和自己和家人和朋友和同事甚至和陌生人的轻松对话。 Project Overview:Dongsheng Science and Technology Park C-2 employee restaurant is located inside the Science and Technology Park, with an area of about 2500 square meters. With the development of cities and the upgrading of consumption, both online and offline have ushered in a turning point in experience upgrade. In the original environment of the restaurant, the overall lighting is dim, the furniture is outdated, and the function line is unknown. The outdated restaurant facilities and image can not meet the needs of internal use, external communication and publicity, and it does not meet the needs of efficient, orderly and dynamic young people in the new era. Owners demand:1. Comprehensively enhance the overall atmosphere and create a quality dining space loved by young customer groups2. The restaurant serves the entire settled enterprises in the science and technology park, so the restaurant needs to be transformed without affecting the customer's dining Source of inspiration:Even wild ideas should be traceable. The designer defines the circular elements in the original space as the most tenacious foundation in the design, connecting the vibrant colors, and cascading into the dining mood flowing throughout the space. A type of French dessert, colorful macarons, has become a formal metaphor. Colored buns are not only a gourmet but also a culture and a way of life. Combining the fun and whimsical elements with the traditional forms and color matching challenges, I hope that the restaurant is a good place for everyone to party and afternoon tea in addition to meeting the dining scene. Transformation strategy:Quickly complete the renovation of 2500 square meters in 20 days. The zone construction + full prefabrication method is adopted to shorten the construction period, and the restaurant is completely renovated with the normal operation of the restaurant.Well, the designer upgraded the restaurant's functions, guidance, environment, and image, and applied a new design language to shape the entire interior space. Improve the quality of the space in an all-round way, enrich the use of space, and bring more commercial value to the owners with high-quality spaces.Province, with the goal of saving costs for owners, a strong supplier base supports innovative use of premium materials to ensure quality while saving costs for owners.As fast as 20 days, 2,500 square metersDuring the renovation of the hard installation, the original clean and neat outline and pattern of the restaurant remain unchanged, and in order to avoid the damage of the hard installation to affect the dining environment, the off-site processing and on-site installation are selected. Quickly transform public spaces to create harmonious architectural spaces and balance the spatial experience of dining environments. The biggest special feature of this restaurant's renovation is that it will be renovated as a whole without affecting its business. From design to construction to completion, assembly, environmental protection, and fast are words that go hand in hand. After time, the scene conveys a comfortable living state, making the dining staff feel invisible and beautiful in the tangible space.Good project cost savings for ownersThe entire space is upgraded and renovated to avoid major demolition and major changes, and to make the oldest possible. Green plants were introduced into the scene to create a recyclable green dining environment. Balloon lighting is added to the dining area. The material of the space is stylish and convenient for construction. Waterproof terrazzo flooring and solar panels and some metal are used for construction. Other transformations use color to replace excess shapes, and save the owner from the cost.Promote business value for owners with premium spaceIn order to emphasize the good order of dining, the designer carried out the transformation of the sign guide system: 1. Break through the conventional thinking and run through the light guide line on the top surface, and set the ball lamp area logo at the core node position. 2. The interesting guide design at the stall position serves as a route guide to guide customers to consciously line up. In the renovation of soft furnishings, the existing tables and chairs, sofas and walls are sustainably refurbished. The overall space is metaphorical to Macaron. Low-saturation pink and blue are used in the colors. The soft colors convey the atmosphere of "warm and comfortable, positive, fashionable art, vibrant sunshine" with its pure characteristics. Metal mesh, metal frames and metal lines were introduced at multiple places throughout the space to redefine the relationship between the architectural pattern and the dining staff, making the old building suitable for today's life. Accompanied by acrylic modeling plants and neon lights weakened by rigid geometric plane The sense of alienation makes people experience the feeling of intimacy in the space. The designer tried to use the design to convey an open and positive attitude towards life to everyone in the space, hoping that those who dine here could experience a comfortable living state. The restaurant is not only a tangible physical space, but also a spiritual gift that returns to normalcy and haste. Hopefully, what you have done here is a meal and a relaxed conversation with yourself, family, friends, colleagues and even strangers.
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