Starbucks coffee service specialty shop - Wudaokou Universe Center Magic Garden
童话照进现实,鲜花与浪漫接踵而至;在奇幻花园里,开启一段奇幻的爱丽丝梦北京海淀区的五道口,曾经被戏称为“宇宙中心”,这里顶流高校林立,知名企业扎堆。项目位于五道口的核心建筑之一东升大厦,这是20年来大堂外挑采光厅的第一次升级。改造后的大堂主要提供星巴克咖啡服务,奇幻的各式植物和花卉,绽放在北方最为稀缺的四季花园里,最为引人驻足流连。威尔士诗人迪伦·托马斯曾用一句诗描述花园带给人的幸福与安宁。“由绿的生命引信引爆的力量,震动着花朵。”被绿植物填满的阳光房,即使在寒冷的冬日,仍能感受春日般绿意盎然。童话故事里总是会让人惊喜的水景和动物们,都是藉由现有的条件升级而成。爱丽丝的白兔先生换了装,兔子+乌龟的组合是永恒的童话主题...正在缓慢上爬的蜗牛也加入了兔子和乌龟的组合,一起放慢了时光的脚步。巨型的植物在空中化身为艺术装置,向阳花在半人高的视线上昂首挺立,似乎在歌唱。地被层则是由各式各色的薰衣草覆盖装点。花艺师眼中的花朵与诗意,包含着东方式的美学思索。每一组花都经过花艺师们精心挑选和搭配,将自然元素与现代设计理念相结合,展现出最佳效果,显得更加奇幻而自然。阳光厅通过一个专属的通道直接与外部相连,这是一段通往奇幻花园的探险之旅。覆上彩色渐变膜的阳光板墙,在玻璃砖地面与灯光的衬托下,让探险之旅更加神秘而华丽。这是一次最大限度基于现状的更新升级,力求能以一种艺术、趣味、格调合而为一的方式,提升大堂乃至整栋商务楼宇的品质,也希望能够成为宇宙中心的又一处奇境幻梦。项目名称:东升大厦大堂吧升级改造项目地址:北京市五道口设计机构:QUCESS清石设计实施机构:QUCESS清石设计项目主持:李怡明主案设计师:王学丽、胡坤、杨一诺设计团队:平凡、李亮、徐照斌、张志浩、丁亚男、王巍、刘奇、高赞实施负责:王磊实施团队:高赞、李慧、李莎莎、王欢、罗云、李雅高、朱凤响花艺负责:朱文杰设计时间:2022年项目面积:430㎡项目摄影:UOHO 建筑空间摄影陈军
Dongsheng Science Park Series
本项目中清石设计为业主提供了全案设计服务,全面配合业主运营管理周期,分阶段提供设计服务,可持续定制化的设计服务使业主得到充分的技术支持。与业主一起将东升科技园区打造成为汇集总部基地、高科技产业研发基地、加速器及企业孵化基地、高科技成果及相关配套服务为一体的国内一流生态型综合园区。设计改造完成至今,东升科技园区已成为目前中国单平米产值最高的科技园区之一。 In this project, Qingshi Design provides the owner with the whole case design service, fully cooperates with the owner's operation and management cycle, provides design services in stages, and the sustainable customized design service enables the owners to receive full technical support. Together with the owners, Dongsheng Science and Technology Park will become a domestic first-class ecological comprehensive park integrating the headquarters base, high-tech industry research and development base, accelerator and enterprise incubation base, high-tech achievements and related supporting services. Since the completion of the design and renovation, Dongsheng Science and Technology Park has become one of the highest-tech parks in China.
Diamond Center Lobby
中国最著名的黄山上有一颗标志性的松树,其一侧枝桠伸出,如人伸出一只臂膀欢迎远道而来的客人,这颗松树叫做迎客松。本项目是一个5A级办公楼的大堂,中心有4个柱子以及连接的梁,我们把这些柱子及梁想象成为迎客松,并寓意这是一个盛装迎接所有办公人员的大堂空间。松树表面材料采用了镜面不锈钢,以雕塑品的形态,为整个大堂植入了现代艺术的氛围。地面采用了来源于意大利的超大尺寸、且具有传统中国山水画纹理的玻化砖。整个空间用西方的现代雕塑与材料艺术呈现出独特的中国文化艺术感。前台区的背景墙采用了整面的钛合金穿孔板,一直延伸到天花,与之成为一体。天花采用水滴形的发光膜作为照明,寓意穿透枝叶的阳光。四个角落的休息座椅也设计成了树状的雕塑,既满足了休息的功能,也起到了限定空间的作用。天花及墙面采用穿孔的金属材料,能够起到吸音的作用,避免大堂产生回声。同时,玻化砖地面还可以免去了传统大理石地面的日常维护保养费用。由于大堂空间较高,地面以下还设计了热辐射的采暖系统,在保证冬天大堂里人体有着舒适的温度的同时,使能源支出最小化。 Mount Huangshan is the most famous mountain in China. It stretches hundreds of miles, with lots of pines upon the hills. The shapes of the pines look like persons who are welcoming the guests from afar. One of the pines is widely known and named as “welcome-pine”. As the lobby of a 5A grade office building, this project design is inspired by the welcome-pine. Four pillars and connected beams are decorated to the shape of the welcome-pine and symbolize the space welcome all the visiting guests and working staff. Mirror stainless steel is adopted to decorate the “welcome-pine”. The sculptures images of the pines create modern art atmosphere into the lobby as well. The floor is designed in vitrified tiles imported from Italy with Traditional Chinese Ink Painting Impressions. The whole space combines modern western sculptures and materials art to reflect traditional Chinese culture. Titanium alloy perforation panels are adopted for the decoration of the reception background and it extends from the reception to the ceiling to harmonize with the space. Water-drop shaped illuminating membranes are designed on the ceiling for decoration and lighting. It looks like the sunshine to penetrate into the welcome-pine. The chairs in the rest area of four corners are designed to the tree-shaped sculptures for rest function.The perforated metallic panels are adopted for sound absorption and avoiding the echo in the lobby. The floor in vitrified tiles instead of marble is to reduce the costly daily maintenance for marble. Under the floor, a radiant heating system was designed to guarantee the comfortable temperature and lower the heating cost in the lobby in the winter.
Dong Sheng International incubator
本项目位于北京一个多层、低密度、庭院式、风景优美的园区中,整个园区的建筑为现代的中式风格,项目就选址在其中一栋建筑的顶层空间,顶层空间为坡屋顶,且层高较高。设计师并没有采用常规联合办公空间中的创意、激情、个性的基调,而是以素真、自然为基调,以院落的空间主题,营造室外、自然的工作环境,希望在这里创业、工作的人们能够静心思考,回归工作、创业的本心。在边角及中心置入一些建筑,建筑间形成了院落。每个院落均以树为主体,地面采用仿真草坪地毯,院落之间采用小道串联起来,每个院落的环境都非常静雅、私密。设计师充分利用的原建筑的空间特点,在空间较高的 几个建筑里,设计了夹层,并置入连廊、楼梯将它们连接起来,丰富了空间层次。主要材料为低造价的水泥涂料、仿真草坪地毯和原木,极大的降低了建造成本。增加的夹层空间,使业主也能获得更多的营收。 The project is located in a multi-storey, low-density, courtyard-style, and beautifully landscaped park in Beijing. The entire campus is built in a modern Chinese style. The project is located in the top space of one of the buildings, and the top floor is a sloping roof. The layer height is higher.The designer does not adopt the basics of creativity, passion and personality in the conventional joint office space. Instead, he uses the theme of “the courtyard” to create an outdoor and natural working environment based on the real and natural theme. He hopes to start a business here. People who work can think quietly and return to the heart of work and entrepreneurship.In the corners and the center, some "buildings" are placed, and the buildings form a "garden. Each "garden" is dominated by trees. The ground is made of artificial turf carpets, and the "courtyards" are connected in series by small lanes. The environment is very quiet and private.Designers make full use of the spatial characteristics of the original building. In several "buildings" with high space, the mezzanine is designed and placed in corridors and stairs to connect them to enrich the space level. The main materials are low-cost cement coatings, simulated lawn carpets and logs, which greatly reduce construction costs. Increased mezzanine space allows owners to get more revenue.
Terry Station Series
中关村东升科技园泰利驿站是一种创新型的社会经济组织,它通过提供研究、生产、经营的场地,通讯、网络与办公等方面的共享设施,系统的培训和咨询,政策、融资、法律和市场推广等方面的支持,降低创业企业的风险和成本,提高企业成活率和成功率。泰利驿站位于园区创新中心办公楼的一层南侧。主要功能包括个人办公区,团队办公区等开敞式出租办公区域,孵化企业办公区、会议室、接待室、讨论室、图书室、路演室等相对独立的公共空间,以及为驿站提供整体服务的后勤支持团队封闭式办公区等3大区域。如何诠释出空间的内在属性、与创业者产生共鸣、使创业者迸发出更多的激情与灵感,是本案设计的核心所在。激情与灵感往往来源于对自由的向往,而对创新、对成长的呵护是驿站的使命。因此,自由呵护是对本案内在属性最好的诠释。首先,我们通过一条自由的曲线贯穿整个空间,将空间分隔成为南北两个区域,随着曲线的延展与闭合,形成各种卵形的空间,作为会议室、接待室等相对封闭的公共空间。曲线的北侧主要为个人及团队的开敞式办公区域,靠近大堂中庭,采光良好。西南侧为孵化企业办公区,相对集中、封闭。主入口的东侧为后勤支持办公区,靠近主入口,相对独立,利于对内对外服务。在入口,我们特意保留了一个高达七层的挑空空间作为玄关,没有赋予任何实质的功能,只是做了两层高的弧形半围合形态,想要传递出对创业者的呵护、成长的巨大空间与自由这个寓意。地毯的设计是本案的一大特点。从入口到整个开敞办公区,我们均采用了不同宽度、不用颜色的条形地毯进行铺装,形成一条条多彩的风景线,突破了传统的地毯铺装及色彩搭配方式,体现出创新的本质,也象征着绚烂多彩的T型舞台,祝愿每个创业者都能找到自己的成功之路。与多彩的地毯相对应, 立面与天花基本都采用纯净的白色作为主体。天花采用类似蜂巢的造型,不规则的多边形张拉膜作为照明主体,使整个空间散发着柔和的光晕,同时传达出现代与温馨之感。内凹的弧形前台与背景墙,给人们带来了明确的路线指引,在弧形的墙面上再配以弧形的洞口,形成一条条自由的双曲线,表达出自由、热情、梦幻、科技。开敞办公区域的天花采用蜂窝六边形元素为基础进行设计。六边形转变为不同的多边形,然后将其自由组合成不规则的多边形张拉膜吊顶,使人们充满新鲜感和探索欲望,并激发人们的思维。柱子采用由深到浅的渐进颜色,最终以白色融入天花,似一颗颗粗壮的大树,全力呵护着创业者。办公家具以U形为一组,以每个柱子为中心环形布置,可以相互组合成大大小小的团队,同时,也像是每颗大树的树根,扎根在多彩的舞台上。在开敞办公区与路演室、讨论室等相对封闭的空间之间,我们精心设计一个小小的内凹区域,既保证了外部空间的连贯性,又是一个不同类型空间的转换区,实现了视觉上和心理上的平缓过渡。讨论室的座椅选用了鲜艳的颜色,并冷暖搭配,渲染出讨论时自由、对立的气氛,每个参与讨论的人也可以根据自己的喜好进行选位。而桌面及四周均为白色,在一定程度上可起到缓和气氛的调节作用。路演室为一个异形的空间,不同的场合有不同的布置方式,四周的墙面均采用白色,便于路演时的讲演。地毯选用了具有编织感的线形图案及铺装方式,椅子也打破常规,采用了大大小小的彩色圆敦,使空间更具创新与自由。天花用蝴蝶为元素,抽象出几个飞舞的蝴蝶造型,寓意着路演成功后创业者破茧成蝶、展翅高飞。开敞办公区域的中心设计了一个椭圆形的多用途空间,可以作为接待室、讨论室、会议室、休息室等功能使用。用不到顶的透明玻璃作为隔断,提示出这个空间的公共性及开放性,造型现代的彩色家具很容易与彩色地毯融为一体,更增加了空间的穿透性。2014年的巴西世界杯也给我们的设计带来了灵感。足球网作为隔断的一种材料及形式,也被我们运用到了不同区域的分隔中。这样既能使空间充满运动的气息,又不乏柔和的可触摸感。相信在世界杯期间,创业者会在这感受到更多的激情。本案与大堂公共区域之间采用透明玻璃隔断,多彩的自由空间通过明亮柔和的灯光传递到大堂中庭,宣讲着自由与创新的每一个动人故事。 Zhongguancun Dongsheng Science and Technology Park·Telly Station is an innovative social and economic organization that provides research, production and operation of venues, communication, network and office sharing facilities, systematic training and consulting, policy, financing, and law. Support with marketing and other aspects to reduce the risks and costs of startups and increase the survival rate and success rate of enterprises.Taili Station is located on the south side of the first floor of the office building of the Innovation Center of the park. The main functions include open office areas such as personal office areas, team office areas, relatively independent public spaces such as office areas, conference rooms, reception rooms, discussion rooms, library rooms, and roadshow rooms, as well as overall services for the station. The logistics support team has 3 areas including closed office area. How to interpret the intrinsic attributes of space, resonate with entrepreneurs, and enable entrepreneurs to express more passion and inspiration is the core of the design of this case. Passion and inspiration often come from the yearning for freedom, and the protection of innovation and growth is the mission of the station. Therefore, "freedom" and "care" are the best interpretations of the inherent attributes of the case.First of all, we use a free curve to penetrate the whole space, and divide the space into two regions, north and south. With the extension and closure of the curve, various oval spaces are formed, which are relatively closed public spaces such as conference rooms and reception rooms. The north side of the curve is mainly an open office area for individuals and teams, close to the lobby atrium, with good daylight. The southwest side is the office area of the incubator, which is relatively concentrated and closed. The east side of the main entrance is the logistics support office area, close to the main entrance, relatively independent, which is conducive to internal and external services. At the entrance, we deliberately reserved a space of up to seven layers as a porch. It did not give any substantial function. It only made a two-layered curved semi-enclosed form, and wanted to convey the care and growth of the entrepreneur. The great space and the meaning of freedom. The design of the carpet is a major feature of the case. From the entrance to the entire open office area, we have paved with strips of different widths and colors, forming a colorful landscape, breaking through the traditional carpet paving and color matching, reflecting the essence of innovation. It also symbolizes the gorgeous T-stage, and I hope that every entrepreneur can find his own path to success.Corresponding to the colorful carpet, the facade and the ceiling are basically made of pure white. The ceiling uses a similar "honeycomb" shape, and the irregular polygonal tension film acts as the main body of the illumination, which makes the whole space emit a soft halo, while conveying the sense of modernity and warmth. The concave curved front and the background wall give people a clear route guide, and the curved wall is complemented by curved holes to form a free hyperbola, expressing freedom, enthusiasm and dreams. Technology. Ceilings in open office areas are designed based on honeycomb hexagonal elements. The hexagons are transformed into different polygons, and then they are freely combined into an irregular polygonal tensioned film ceiling, which makes people full of freshness and desire to explore, and stimulate people's thinking. The pillars adopt a progressive color from deep to shallow, and finally blend white with small flowers, like a large tree, to protect the entrepreneurs. The office furniture is set in a U shape and is arranged in a circular shape around each column. It can be combined into a large and small team. At the same time, it is like the root of each big tree, rooted in a colorful stage. Between the open office area and the relatively closed space such as the roadshow room and the discussion room, we carefully design a small concave area, which not only ensures the continuity of the external space, but also transforms a different type of space. A visually and psychologically smooth transition. The seats in the discussion room are made of bright colors, and they are matched with warm and cold atmospheres. Each person involved in the discussion can also choose according to their own preferences. The tabletop and the surrounding area are all white, which can play a role in easing the atmosphere to a certain extent. The roadshow room is a special-shaped space. Different occasions have different layouts. The surrounding walls are all white, which is convenient for lectures during roadshows. The carpets are lined with a woven pattern and paved. The chairs are also unconventional. The large and small colored rounds are used to make the space more innovative and free. Smallpox uses the "butterfly" as an element to abstract a few flying butterfly shapes, which means that after the success of the road show, the entrepreneurs break into the butterfly and fly high. The center of the open office area is designed with an oval multi-purpose space that can be used as a reception room, discussion room, conference room, lounge and more. The use of transparent glass that does not have a top as a partition suggests the commonality and openness of this space. The modern color furniture is easy to integrate with the colored carpet, which increases the penetration of the space. The 2014 World Cup in Brazil also inspired our design. As a material and form of partition, the football net has also been applied to the separation of different regions. This will not only make the space full of sports, but also a soft touch. I believe that during the World Cup, entrepreneurs will feel more passion here. The case is separated from the public area of the lobby by a transparent glass partition. The colorful free space is transmitted to the lobby atrium through bright and soft lighting, preaching every moving story of freedom and innovation.
Create 8 Shaoxing "Smart+" Industry Accelerator
Wave at Yunshan Marketing Center
本项目坐落于涿州市高新区,是浪潮涿州大数据产业服务基地。项目的空间立意发迹于文化力量,更连接着与未来同频的科技智慧。设计团队以科技未来感之折线作为设计元素,打造科技馆式,体验式的营销中心;以高科技为主轴,融入VR体验、3D幻影城市、全息投影、机械臂等技术和扎哈风格的场景,营造科技与未来的视听盛宴。本案的空间形态设计是如何体现浪潮大数据的科技特性呢?空间又是什么呢?空间设计师李怡明、周全贤是这样诠释的:大数据是流动的汇聚、是像云一样虚拟的运算,而空间则是视觉感观后的心灵意境。带着这样的理解,设计团队提取科技感的“二进制”元素和“行云流水”的曲线空间造型,利用光和镜面的反射营造科幻的大数据意境。项目的空间布局选择“行云流水”的曲线贯穿整个空间,富有张力的曲线将前台接待区、浪潮展示区、沙盘区、儿童区和书吧咖啡区连接起来碰撞出耐人寻味的科技未来感。游走在整个空间之中,曲线所连接的每一个功能区都是一个视觉中心点,一步一景、层层递进,巧妙的通过线与面的缓急对比强化视觉上的层次感,让客户体验到充满流动感的空间感受,完成科技感十足的沉浸式体验。营销中心的中间区域为室外中庭区域,设计师在该区域选择流畅线条的螺旋楼梯作为中庭的视觉中心。楼梯贯穿上下交汇四周,使得空间划分错落有致、自由灵活,强化建筑的纵深感,彰显科技时代的气息。地面材料以阿姆斯壮塑胶地板,水磨石和冠军黑色高亮光地砖为主。这种整体无缝连接的建筑材料选择和质感呈现,提供了更具时尚美感,科技感的共享空间,也很好的契合和表达了“大数据产业服务基地”现代新潮的氛围。顶面空间通过搭配使用裸顶喷乳胶漆,软膜天花,条形铝板灯带等材料强调出空间的动感和质感,传达刚柔并济的空间气质。墙面采用铝板穿孔打造极具科技感的面部空间,同时使用可塑性极强的GRG高强石膏完善细部处理。高效和低价的建筑价值通过设计选材也体现得淋漓尽致。浪潮一览云山营销中心自内而外保持着科技的视觉效果,为用户增添了一个具有动感和趣味的新维度体验,被评为京西最科技最美的售楼处。Located in the high-tech zone of Zhuozhou, this project is a service base for the big data industry of the Tidal Wave Zhuozhou. The spatial conception of the project originates from the Cultural Power and connects the scientific and technological wisdom with the future. The design team takes the broken line of the sense of the future of science and technology as the design element to build a science and technology museum-style and experience-style Marketing Center Vr Experience, 3d Phantom City, holographic projection, robotic arm and other technology and Zaha style scene, creating technology and the future of audio-visual Feast. How does the spatial form of this case embody the technological characteristics of the tidal wave big data? What is space? Space Designers Li Yiming, Zhou Quanxian is this interpretation: Big Data is the flow of convergence, like cloud virtual computing, and space is the visual perception after the mental mood. With this understanding, the design team extracted the technical binary element and the flowing curve space modeling, using light and mirror reflection to create a science fiction big data mood. The spatial layout of the project was chosen to follow a continuous flow of curves through the entire space The tension curves connect the reception area, the wave display area, the sand table area, the children's area and the book bar and coffee area to create an intriguing technological future. Walking through the whole space, each functional area connected by the curve is a visual center point, one scene at a time, layer by layer, subtly enhancing the visual sense of hierarchy through the contrast between the line and the surface Let the customer experience is full of the sense of flow of the space feeling, complete a sense of technology full of immersion experience. The central area of the marketing center is the outdoor Atrium area, where the designers chose the sleek spiral staircase as the visual center of the Atrium. The stairs run through the intersection of the upper and lower sides, which makes the space separate, free and flexible, strengthening the depth of the building, highlighting the atmosphere of the technology era. The floor is made of R. G. Armstrong plastic flooring, terrazzo and champion black polished floor tiles. This seamless selection of building materials and the texture of the presentation, providing a more fashionable aesthetic, scientific and technological sense of the shared space, but also a good fit and expression of the big data industry service base of modern trendy atmosphere. Top space through the use of bare top spray latex paint, soft ceiling, strip aluminum light strip and other materials to emphasize the dynamic and texture of the space, conveying rigid and flexible space temperament. The walls are perforated with aluminum panels to create a high-tech face space, while the highly plastic Grg high-strength Gypsum improves the detailing. Efficient and low-cost construction value through the design material selection is also reflected incisively and vividly. Yunshan Marketing Center at a glance to maintain the visual effects of technology, for users to add a dynamic and interesting new dimension experience, was the most beautiful technology in the west Beijing sales office.
Wave at Yunshan Model Room
在室内设计界,流传着这样一个说法 :设计的难度与室内空间成反比,打造一个五脏俱全的小户型空间的难度远大于在别墅里演绎“浪费”的艺术。关于说法,清石设计师表示难度是有的但创造也是有的。本项目是个35㎡的样板间设计,我们的设计目的是打造一个高品质大格局的整体空间,缓解人们在小区域中可能产生的压迫感和孤独感。以此为出发点,设计师构想过七种居住者,包括独居的音梦女孩、品质至上的文艺情侣、喜爱美食的烹饪达人、居家办公的自由工作者、追求灵感的艺术工作者、有豪宅梦的青年夫妻。通过专业的概念汲取和一遍遍的图纸更新,最后决定用空间切割创造出更年轻,更有活力的品质空间来回应客户回应生活。本案有两种风格的样板间,分别是扎哈风格的LOFT样板间和现代主义风格的办公样板间。两个样板间在空间意境上追求的都是高品质的办公+生活。空间以纯白色调为基调,增强空间的结构感和秩序感。局部穿插灰色和黑色高反光材质,增加空间的品质感和时尚感。LOFT样板间运用扎哈的异形造型营造时尚、品质的超现代生活意境,实现了小户型里的豪宅梦。连接夹层的“鱼骨楼梯”和“流水瀑布吧台”是本案的亮点,藏山水之美,于一室之中,一体成型的雕塑感造型,增加了空间的艺术气质。办公样板间运用了现代构图的方式,突破传统,通过立体几何营造时尚、品质、灵活的居家办公场景。空间材质运用仿鱼肚白的大片地砖、热熔玻璃砖、黑镜、灰色烤漆板,呈现光反射、折射的虚境空间,增加空间的品质和光感。在空间布局上运用空间切割法,利用墙体、装置将空间从物理上划分为若干区域。我们前卫性的采用斜面切割法,旨在呈现出更灵动,更有趣味性的对比冲击感和意蕴感。斜面切割依墙体而建储藏室、书架、暗柜,为居室带来了更多的储存空间,营造纯粹、清晰的居住环境。最后,曲线墙体人为延长了室内动线,巧妙利用感知错觉,丰富空间层次感和秩序感。由于斜面切割工艺对于建筑力学有极高的要求,所以异形材质的选择是最大的难题。经过考量,最终选择满足个性化需求的GRG材质。它是一种特殊装饰改良纤维石膏材料 , 足以抵御外部环境造成的破损、变形和开裂。感性的艺术语言和理性的材料属性相互碰撞,为空间奠定坚韧的品质根基。浪潮一览云山样板间的设计,清淡而有力的创造出小户型的新价值—高品质大格局,这是对住户生活最为细腻地道的回应。In the field of interior design, there is a saying that the difficulty of design is inversely proportional to the interior space. It is much more difficult to create a small apartment space with all the internal organs than to perform the art of waste in a villa. As for the argument, Qing Shi designers said that there is difficulty but also creation.This project is a 35 M2 sample room design, our design goal is to create a high-quality big pattern of the overall space, ease people in the small area may have the sense of oppression and loneliness. With this as a starting point, the designer conceived of seven types of occupants They include the loneliest dream girl, the highest quality art lovers, the Gourmet Cook, the Home Office Freelancer, the inspiration artist, the young couple with the dream of luxurious house. Through professional concept learning and drawing updating over and over again, the final decision was made to create a younger, more dynamic quality space with space cutting in response to the customer response to life.This case has two styles of model room, respectively is the LOFT model room of Zhaha Style and the office model room of modernism style. The two sample rooms in the space artistic conception is the pursuit of high-quality office + life. The space takes the pure white tone as the fundamental key, enhances the space the sense of structure and the sense of order. Local interspersed grey and black high reflective material, increase the quality of the space and fashion sense.Loft template room using Zacha's shaped to create a fashion, quality of ultra-modern life artistic conception, the realization of the dream of luxury homes in small households. Connecting the mezzanine floor and the waterfall bar is the highlight of the case, hidden landscape beauty, in a room, one-piece molding sculpture, increased the artistic temperament of the space.The office sample room uses the modern composition way, breaks through the tradition, through the three-dimensional geometry to construct the fashionable, the quality, the flexible Home Office scene. The space material uses the big floor tile, the hot-melt glass brick, the Black Mirror, the gray paint plate, presents the light reflection, the refraction virtual space, increases the space quality and the light feeling.In the space layout, the space is physically divided into several areas by using the wall and the device. Our avant-garde use of the bevel cut method, designed to present a more flexible, more interesting sense of impact and meaning of contrast. Inclined plane cuts and build storage room according to wall body, bookshelf, concealed Ark, brought more storage space for the bedroom, build pure, clear living environment. Finally, the CURVILINEAR wall lengthens the indoor moving line artificially, making good use of the illusion of perception to enrich the sense of spatial hierarchy and order.Because the inclined plane cutting technology has the extremely high request to the construction mechanics, therefore the unusual shape material quality choice is the biggest difficult problem. After consideration, the final choice to meet the personalized needs of Grg material. It is a special decorative modified fiber gypsum material, enough to resist damage, deformation and cracking caused by the external environment. The perceptual artistic language and the rational material attribute collide with each other, establishes the tenacious Quality Foundation for the space.A glance glance at the design of Yunshan model room creates the new value of small size —— High Quality Pattern, which is the most exquisite and authentic response to the resident's life.
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