Zhongguancun Chuangye Street·Taili Station
在中国创新创业资源最为密集的中关村核心区域,全长仅220米的创业大街如同这座城市中一条汩汩流淌的血脉,涌动着为高速奔跑的城市输送氧气。2020年9月,由清石设计改造完成的泰利驿站中关村大街站在创业大街北口落成,这座24小时对外开放的复合空间向城市和穿梭其中的都市人提供了一个不同以往的落脚处,除了显而易见的功能空间以外,它更像是一个小型能量泵,为城市的一呼一吸注入能量,共同完成它日复一日的新陈代谢。同时,这也是清石设计新陈代谢设计观的一次全方向实践。空间之于城市,一呼一吸之间,一次微新陈代谢.当新陈代谢的设计理念被设计师注入空间重建时,泰利驿站便不再只是街口的一座新空间而已。设计师保留了原空间的大部分骨架,在旧有基础上进行了空间的延伸、重构,将其改造为结合了开放、半开放与封闭区域的新空间。从室外步入室内的过程,情绪也从喧闹过度到舒缓平和,直到整个复合型空间完全呈现在眼前,你便可以挑选中意的区域落脚。对于吐故纳新的泰利驿站来说,再设计的过程本身就是一次空间的自我新陈代谢,而一座新空间的诞生之于城市,也是一次微小却力道精妙的更迭。这个正缓慢新陈代谢的复合庭院就像一座迷你城市,繁忙的都市人进入其中,在交错层叠的微景观里舒缓精神;在物理赋能的设施辅助下补充体力;在精心设计的场景中按下时间的缓慢倍速按钮……再次出发时,人们轻装简从、眼神明亮,这是一处微小空间对城市的贡献,而城市也在这样的焕新和赋能中,完成着属于它的新陈代谢。空间之于人,一呼一吸之间,一次减“负”与“赋”能.为了让空间达到为人们“减负”从而“赋能”的效果,清石设计将丰富的功能和使用场景恰到好处地植入空间,并利用清新简洁的色彩使用和景观叠加进行强化。小型分享区、吧台、临窗工作区、会议区、卡座区、夹层区等等区域分别承载着不同的功能需求,环形动线将一层到夹层的功能区依次串联,在丰富的场景叠加下,刻板单一的空间面貌不复存在,如同一个微缩的复合型社区,即便只是方寸地,却也能游刃有余地匹配各种需求。景观是空间中的重要组成部分,植物缓慢呼吸,释放氧气,在喧闹的中关村街景映衬下,它们仿佛是静止的。不同形态的绿色植物构成一个个微景观,移步异景,植物在不同的功能区域之间静置,自成天地。被植物环抱的空间中,时间轻盈缓慢地流动,吸附二氧化碳的同时,也滤掉了人们的焦灼和不安。纯净安逸的白色和绿色基底上,砾石、缸砖、铁艺、水磨石等户外元素也延续了质朴自然的空间气质,不动声色间与自然环境融合,最大程度地舒缓着进入者的情绪,新的能量随之渐渐鼓动。空间之于时间,一呼一吸之间,24小时的往复循环.清晨7:30,在上班族扣上衬衫的第一颗扣子前,窗边的单人扶手沙发和小圆桌还能提供一杯热咖啡的时间。或者是倚在门口的吧台边,在肯尼亚豆子的香气里,看着窗外匆匆人群奢侈地出会儿神,直到看见熟悉的同事,结伴而出。上午10:00,吧台前的工作台边是创业者正进行的小型会议,一场头脑风暴后,他们在夹层区域享受简单的午餐。中午12:00,按摩沙发区是午后的热门“打卡地”,有人在沙发区“回血”,而兴致高昂的年轻同事继续在夹层区埋头创作。下午15:00,卡座区的一场讨论会刚刚结束,专项小组的研究会议则刚刚在中型会议空间拉开序幕。傍晚,灯光亮起的庭院和空间变得迷人。酒吧区域每晚都有一场微型欢聚,创业者在轻声的雀跃中结识新朋友;专属会员区内,有人意兴阑珊捧着咖啡,也有人似是准备奋战一个通宵。深夜,睡眠舱中是第二天要赶早班机的市场经理,在城市的角落里,正进入深沉睡眠……空间24小时一刻不停歇,而无论是哪一刻进入其中,空间都以它的方式和力量为都市人注入能量,在轻微却不间断的新陈代谢中,塑造新生。In the core area of Zhongguancun, China's most intensive resource for innovation and entrepreneurship, the Entrepreneur Street with a total length of only 220 meters is like a gurgling blood in the city, surging to deliver oxygen to the fast-running city.In September 2020, the Taili Station Zhongguancun Street, which was designed and renovated by Qingshi, was completed at the north exit of Chuangye Street. This 24-hour open complex space provides the city and the urbanites with a different foothold. In addition to the obvious functional space, it is more like a small energy pump, injecting energy into the city's exhalation and inhalation, and jointly completing its daily metabolism. At the same time, this is also an all-directional practice of Qingshi Design's Metabolic Design Concept.Space is in the city, one breath and one breath, a micro metabolism.When the design concept of metabolism was injected into the space by the designer, Taili Station was no longer just a new space at the corner of the street. The designer retains most of the skeleton of the original space, extends and reconstructs the space based on the old one, and transforms it into a new space that combines open, semi-open and closed areas. From the outdoor into the indoor process, the mood also changes from noisy to soothing and peaceful, until the entire complex space is fully presented in front of you, you can choose the area you like to settle down. For the new Taili Station, the process of redesign itself is a self-renewal of space, and the birth of a new space in the city is also a small but subtle change. This slowly metabolizing compound courtyard is like a mini city, where busy urbanites enter, soothe their spirits in the interlaced micro landscape; supplement their physical strength with the aid of physically empowered facilities; press time in the carefully designed scene The slow and double speed button... When we set off again, people are lightly packed and simple, with bright eyes. This is a small space's contribution to the city, and the city is also completing its metabolism in such renewal and empowerment.Space is for people, with one exhalation and one inhalation, reducing the "negative" and "empowerment".In order to make the space achieve the effect of "reducing the burden" for people and thus "empowering", Qingshi Design appropriately implants rich functions and usage scenarios into the space, and uses fresh and concise color use and landscape superposition to enhance it. The small sharing area, bar counter, window-side working area, meeting area, deck area, mezzanine area and other areas respectively carry different functional requirements. The circular moving line connects the functional areas from the first floor to the mezzanine in sequence, overlapping in a rich scene Under the circumstances, the stereotyped and single spatial appearance no longer exists, just like a miniature composite community, even if it is only a square inch, it can still meet various needs with ease. The landscape is an important part of the space. Plants breathe slowly and release oxygen. Against the backdrop of the noisy streetscape of Zhongguancun, they seem to be still. Different forms of green plants constitute a micro-landscape, moving in different sceneries, and plants are standing still among different functional areas, forming a world of their own. In the space surrounded by plants, time flows lightly and slowly, while absorbing carbon dioxide, it also filters out people's anxiety and anxiety. On the pure and comfortable white and green base, outdoor elements such as gravel, clinker, iron, and terrazzo also continue the simple and natural spatial temperament, and blend in with the natural environment in a calm manner, so as to soothe the emotions of the entrants to the greatest extent. The energy gradually agitated.Space is to time, a 24-hour reciprocating cycle between breathing and breathing.At 7:30 in the morning, before office workers button the first button of their shirts, the single-handle sofa and small round table by the window can also provide time for a cup of hot coffee. Or leaning against the bar at the door, in the aroma of Kenyan beans, watching the rushing crowd outside the window luxuriate for a while, until I see a familiar colleague and come out together. At 10:00 in the morning, next to the work table in front of the bar is a small meeting of entrepreneurs. After a brainstorming session, they enjoy a simple lunch in the mezzanine area. At 12:00 noon, the massage sofa area is a popular "punch-in place" in the afternoon. Some people "recover blood" in the sofa area, while young colleagues with high enthusiasm continue to work in the mezzanine area. At 15:00 in the afternoon, a discussion meeting in the deck area has just ended, and the research meeting of the special group has just kicked off in a medium-sized meeting space. In the evening, the illuminated courtyard and space become charming. Every night in the bar area,there is a mini-gathering where entrepreneurs meet new friends in a soft joy; in the exclusive member area, some people are holding coffee in a desperate way, and some seem to be preparing to fight all night. In the middle of the night, in the sleeping cabin is the marketing manager who wants to catch the early flight the next day. In the corner of the city, he is entering a deep sleep...The space is 24 hours a day without a break, and no matter where you enter it, the space is harmonious in its own way. Power injects energy into urbanites, shaping new life in a slight but uninterrupted metabolism.
Zhongguancun Zhiyouwo Shaoxing Incubator
任何事物在历史的长流中经过过滤,再加以现代元素的渲染,都会发展为全新的样貌。文化是有生命的,有生命的东西就不会静止不动,它一定要生长、要发展,不断的以新物质替换旧物质,去其糟粕,新老融合,这个过程就是新陈代谢。“一团墨气纸上来”,千年水墨,见绍兴繁锦。水墨情怀。从传统的水墨到年轻人喜爱的新式水墨,QUCESS清石设计从这些变化中看到传统文化随着时代推进而催生出新的形式的更多可能。中关村智优沃绍兴孵化器位于绍兴越城区水木湾区科学园中,绍兴历史悠久人杰地灵,王羲之、贺知章、周恩来、蔡元培、鲁迅等众多文人志士皆出自这里。QUCESS希望空间转换为时间,让人行走在空间的同时也仿佛徜徉在历史文化的时间长河中,在感受传统文魅力的同时,也为空间设计创新赋予文化的内涵。QUCESS 将书法艺术中对水墨的印象,以艺术装置的形式在空间中立体化呈现,使办公空间呈现出一种不同于常规联合办公的文化艺术感。水是无,墨是有,水至清而无色,墨至纯而大黑,水墨的氤氲变化,可以在瞬间展开一个气化流动、虚灵缥缈的艺术办公空间。通过将中国传统水墨书法艺术用年轻人更关注的现代手段在空间中重构,QUCESS探索传统水墨书法在新时代语境下的可能性,从而达成新的空间设计与水墨精神的高度契合。以水和墨为介质,在简单的线条、造型中传递丰富的精神内核,更为清简、现代。墨的基本元素是笔触。落墨或干或湿、或浓或淡、或遒劲或悠扬,其间蕴含无尽的内涵。随着时代不断前行,当新式文化语言推陈出新,QUCESS也一直在探寻传统文化与当下年轻人连接的更多可能,以独特的文化创新视角,创造空间新价值。
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