设计内容: 室内设计、软装设计
设计时间: 2014年
获得奖项: 2014年度金堂奖十佳办公空间
Design content: interior design, soft design
Design time: 2014
Awards: 2014 Golden Hall Awards Top Ten Office Space
Terry Station Series
与多彩的地毯相对应, 立面与天花基本都采用纯净的白色作为主体。天花采用类似蜂巢的造型,不规则的多边形张拉膜作为照明主体,使整个空间散发着柔和的光晕,同时传达出现代与温馨之感。内凹的弧形前台与背景墙,给人们带来了明确的路线指引,在弧形的墙面上再配以弧形的洞口,形成一条条自由的双曲线,表达出自由、热情、梦幻、科技。开敞办公区域的天花采用蜂窝六边形元素为基础进行设计。六边形转变为不同的多边形,然后将其自由组合成不规则的多边形张拉膜吊顶,使人们充满新鲜感和探索欲望,并激发人们的思维。柱子采用由深到浅的渐进颜色,最终以白色融入天花,似一颗颗粗壮的大树,全力呵护着创业者。办公家具以U形为一组,以每个柱子为中心环形布置,可以相互组合成大大小小的团队,同时,也像是每颗大树的树根,扎根在多彩的舞台上。在开敞办公区与路演室、讨论室等相对封闭的空间之间,我们精心设计一个小小的内凹区域,既保证了外部空间的连贯性,又是一个不同类型空间的转换区,实现了视觉上和心理上的平缓过渡。讨论室的座椅选用了鲜艳的颜色,并冷暖搭配,渲染出讨论时自由、对立的气氛,每个参与讨论的人也可以根据自己的喜好进行选位。而桌面及四周均为白色,在一定程度上可起到缓和气氛的调节作用。路演室为一个异形的空间,不同的场合有不同的布置方式,四周的墙面均采用白色,便于路演时的讲演。地毯选用了具有编织感的线形图案及铺装方式,椅子也打破常规,采用了大大小小的彩色圆敦,使空间更具创新与自由。天花用蝴蝶为元素,抽象出几个飞舞的蝴蝶造型,寓意着路演成功后创业者破茧成蝶、展翅高飞。开敞办公区域的中心设计了一个椭圆形的多用途空间,可以作为接待室、讨论室、会议室、休息室等功能使用。用不到顶的透明玻璃作为隔断,提示出这个空间的公共性及开放性,造型现代的彩色家具很容易与彩色地毯融为一体,更增加了空间的穿透性。2014年的巴西世界杯也给我们的设计带来了灵感。足球网作为隔断的一种材料及形式,也被我们运用到了不同区域的分隔中。这样既能使空间充满运动的气息,又不乏柔和的可触摸感。相信在世界杯期间,创业者会在这感受到更多的激情。本案与大堂公共区域之间采用透明玻璃隔断,多彩的自由空间通过明亮柔和的灯光传递到大堂中庭,宣讲着自由与创新的每一个动人故事。
Zhongguancun Dongsheng Science and Technology Park·Telly Station is an innovative social and economic organization that provides research, production and operation of venues, communication, network and office sharing facilities, systematic training and consulting, policy, financing, and law. Support with marketing and other aspects to reduce the risks and costs of startups and increase the survival rate and success rate of enterprises.
Taili Station is located on the south side of the first floor of the office building of the Innovation Center of the park. The main functions include open office areas such as personal office areas, team office areas, relatively independent public spaces such as office areas, conference rooms, reception rooms, discussion rooms, library rooms, and roadshow rooms, as well as overall services for the station. The logistics support team has 3 areas including closed office area. How to interpret the intrinsic attributes of space, resonate with entrepreneurs, and enable entrepreneurs to express more passion and inspiration is the core of the design of this case. Passion and inspiration often come from the yearning for freedom, and the protection of innovation and growth is the mission of the station. Therefore, "freedom" and "care" are the best interpretations of the inherent attributes of the case.
First of all, we use a free curve to penetrate the whole space, and divide the space into two regions, north and south. With the extension and closure of the curve, various oval spaces are formed, which are relatively closed public spaces such as conference rooms and reception rooms. The north side of the curve is mainly an open office area for individuals and teams, close to the lobby atrium, with good daylight. The southwest side is the office area of the incubator, which is relatively concentrated and closed. The east side of the main entrance is the logistics support office area, close to the main entrance, relatively independent, which is conducive to internal and external services. At the entrance, we deliberately reserved a space of up to seven layers as a porch. It did not give any substantial function. It only made a two-layered curved semi-enclosed form, and wanted to convey the care and growth of the entrepreneur. The great space and the meaning of freedom. The design of the carpet is a major feature of the case. From the entrance to the entire open office area, we have paved with strips of different widths and colors, forming a colorful landscape, breaking through the traditional carpet paving and color matching, reflecting the essence of innovation. It also symbolizes the gorgeous T-stage, and I hope that every entrepreneur can find his own path to success.
Corresponding to the colorful carpet, the facade and the ceiling are basically made of pure white. The ceiling uses a similar "honeycomb" shape, and the irregular polygonal tension film acts as the main body of the illumination, which makes the whole space emit a soft halo, while conveying the sense of modernity and warmth. The concave curved front and the background wall give people a clear route guide, and the curved wall is complemented by curved holes to form a free hyperbola, expressing freedom, enthusiasm and dreams. Technology. Ceilings in open office areas are designed based on honeycomb hexagonal elements. The hexagons are transformed into different polygons, and then they are freely combined into an irregular polygonal tensioned film ceiling, which makes people full of freshness and desire to explore, and stimulate people's thinking. The pillars adopt a progressive color from deep to shallow, and finally blend white with small flowers, like a large tree, to protect the entrepreneurs. The office furniture is set in a U shape and is arranged in a circular shape around each column. It can be combined into a large and small team. At the same time, it is like the root of each big tree, rooted in a colorful stage. Between the open office area and the relatively closed space such as the roadshow room and the discussion room, we carefully design a small concave area, which not only ensures the continuity of the external space, but also transforms a different type of space. A visually and psychologically smooth transition. The seats in the discussion room are made of bright colors, and they are matched with warm and cold atmospheres. Each person involved in the discussion can also choose according to their own preferences. The tabletop and the surrounding area are all white, which can play a role in easing the atmosphere to a certain extent. The roadshow room is a special-shaped space. Different occasions have different layouts. The surrounding walls are all white, which is convenient for lectures during roadshows. The carpets are lined with a woven pattern and paved. The chairs are also unconventional. The large and small colored rounds are used to make the space more innovative and free. Smallpox uses the "butterfly" as an element to abstract a few flying butterfly shapes, which means that after the success of the road show, the entrepreneurs break into the butterfly and fly high. The center of the open office area is designed with an oval multi-purpose space that can be used as a reception room, discussion room, conference room, lounge and more. The use of transparent glass that does not have a top as a partition suggests the commonality and openness of this space. The modern color furniture is easy to integrate with the colored carpet, which increases the penetration of the space. The 2014 World Cup in Brazil also inspired our design. As a material and form of partition, the football net has also been applied to the separation of different regions. This will not only make the space full of sports, but also a soft touch. I believe that during the World Cup, entrepreneurs will feel more passion here. The case is separated from the public area of the lobby by a transparent glass partition. The colorful free space is transmitted to the lobby atrium through bright and soft lighting, preaching every moving story of freedom and innovation.
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